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Desert Rope Swing

Are you ready to face your fears? Join us as we freefall 200 feet off a desert cliff before our expertly-rigged rope system catches you in one of the biggest ropes swings in Utah.

This event is inclusive to any & all women. All you need to do is show up & take the leap of a lifetime!

Here’s what to expect for your first jump:

Trip Details

Friday- November 18th

We will spend the day rigging the rope swing. All are encouraged to join us to learn how to help rig the swing and be a part of the setup process. If you are unable to attend, no stress! Our designated jumping day is Saturday. All are welcomed to camp with us just a short hike away from our jump location.

Saturday- November 19th

It’s swing day!!! We will start swinging at 8 AM and finish up around sunset. We ask those that are swinging to stick around all day to encourage others, help with hauling others back up, and overall feel the stoke of such an incredible day!

Location: Will be sent in an email after registration.

Meet Our Rope Swing Riggers!

Meet Our Stoke Master General!

First Jump Price

This is for the first jump. Additional jumps can be added below.

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Additional Rope Swing Jumps
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Additional Info

  • This rope swing is SAFE! Our professional riggers have years of experience rigging this swing and have made their systems extra redundant.

  • There is a dirt road to get to the rope swing, but most 2WD vehicles can get there with caution.

  • There are no prerequisites or skill requirements to join this event. Any self-identifying female can show up & jump. If you don’t know if you have the courage, our stoke master general will be there to help!

  • Bringing your own harness is highly recommended.

  • Novembers in Moab can be COLD! Dress warm and be prepared to spend the day in cold temperatures. Keep this in mind if you are planning to camp at the location with us.

  • Anyone who opts to camp should prepare to be fully self-sufficient with food/water/wag bags for leave no trace ethics

  • Anyone that jumps will be expected to help with hauling other women out on our pulley-system. This is fast, quiet, and a great team building experience.

  • Any other females are welcome to come and watch at no additional charge. And more often than not, they end up jumping too ;)

    Cancellation Policy

    Utah Adventure Girls holds $50 of reservation in the event of cancellation.

    There will be no refunds issued after November 14, 2022. You are always welcome to find another adventure girl to take your place!

September 23

Intro to Canyoneering & Rock Climbing- Zion